Our Vision: Connect and engage our community through Judaism-purposefully, creatively and wholeheartedly.
Our Mission: Exploring the Modern Jewish Experience
We challenge ourselves to create more meaning and value in our community - and that starts by reimagining everything that a Reform Jewish community can be and it's role in 21st century life.
Our Values:​
Humility and Respect
We are a 'work in progress, individually striving toward a common goal to identify with Judaism and find purpose and joy in living Jewishly in our way. Mindful of who we are and meeting people where they are in this journey.
Open Mind and Heart
We are trailblazers who embrace purposeful change, even when it's uncomfortable. Pursuing creative ideas and ways to create connections, proactively listening to and learning from our community without judgment.
Gratitude and Giving
We are a 'voice of Hope." Going the extra mile to impact our community and world in meaningful ways, practicing genuine gratitude and giving by acting with our hands, hearts, and voice to lift up and acknowledge others.
A Connected
and Engaged Community

Our six priority areas for building a more connected and engaged community.
Our Strategic Pillars​
OPEN-MINDED: We are optimistic and enthusiastic about exploring new ways of expressing our Judaism through prayer, music, programming, and social interactions that honor our past, fit our present, and reimagine a future that engages us all. "It's okay to rethink everything, even if it feels uncomfortable."
SPIRITUAL: We feel Judaism is religion, ancestry, and culter interconnected. Being spiritually Jewish is not how many rules we follow and services we attend; it's a way of life. It's being good and doing good, connecting with our ancestors, and passing down shared beliefs, ethics, rituals, and holidays to the next generation.
"I believe that Judaism is a way of life as much as a religion."
BELONGING: We are a welcoming community drawn together by our shared values and beliefs with awareness and respect of our differing needs, interests, and points of view. We foster fellowship that doesn't require us to change who we are; it only requires us to be who we are.
"If you want to identify as Jewish, then you're welcome at TKT - you're more than wanted, you're wanted here."
KNOWLEDGE: We feel our Jewish identify is core to who we are; an identify rooted in the context of our ancestral history and traditions. Driven by pride, responsibility, and curiosity, we value learning and discussion - less a history lesson and more an exchange of knowledge that bridges our heritage with our daily lives.
"We are less about dogma and learning the Aleph Bet and more about being Jewish culturally and socially together"
SUPPORTING: We show up for each other in times of need with warmth and compassion. We feel loved when our community proactively shows a genuine interest in knowing us outside of the Temple walls - sharing in our joy and helping us deal with the struggles of life.
"We have a grassroots approach to supporting each other that once worked. But as our size, we need to be more intentional with our outreach"
INSPIRING: We feel that musicality and storytelling are essential to elevating our cultural experiences to be more meaningful and uplifting. It's the gateway to making Judaism relatable to everyone, regardless of upbringing and understanding.
"It felt good, and with this uplifting experience, I started to feel Jewish"